There will be a guided mediation in the Healing Circle to bring you into the present and open you up to release what is no longer serving you so that you can reach your highest potential and heal on all levels. The power of drumming will be utilized throughout the ceremony. Along with crystals and hands-on (Reiki) healing will be given individually. I am honored to work with you! The cost for this class is $45, including taxes & fees. Reserve your spot today as only six are available for the ceremony.
*Click on picture to reserve a spot. The link will be at the bottom of the page.
A Healing Circle is also known as a sacred circle. Circles represent the cycle of life and the flow of energy in motion. It is perfect for healing. The circle is a holy symbol representing the goddess, time, unity, and completeness. Beating a drum is one of the oldest practices of humankind. The beat of the first drum reminds our distant ancestors of that very first rhythm we heard, the comforting heartbeat of our deep connection to our mother's body and to Earth itself. Drumming brings physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that could profoundly impact individual health.